Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A comic for non comic people!

Love and Capes, a great comic for all!

One of the neatest little comics out there today that you can easily get non comic fans to read and enjoy. Zahler does a wonderful job of creating what is essentially a superhero sitcom with funny and well developed characters. I grabbed a copy of the Free Comic Book Day comic this past year and gave it to my wife to read and shortly after that she was reading it online and also picking up the trade paperbacks! This from a woman who has no comprehension of why I like to spend so much time with my stupid little funny books. At least it's not spending hours and hours listening to jambands play the same drug induced psychedelic songs that never end - oops - wait, that is probably for a whole different blog!

Anyhow, check out Love and Capes. Go to their website and read their online strips or go by and see if your local comic shop has any of the issues available. If they don't have any you can order from the Love and Capes website or the trade paperbacks are still available through Diamond's Star system.

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